Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Thought So!

I re-read my post from yesterday. In it I mentioned that Henry was on the verge of walking.


Yesterday afternoon Henry turned away from the window where he was standing and took his first step into my arms.

It's hard to describe the emotions that come bubbling up from such a feat. In that single step he moved away from babyhood to toddlerhood. With that single step he reminded me that he will be my last baby and he's not going to be a baby for much longer. I'll call him a baby until he is truly walking- not just a step here and there, but now that he's realized that he, too, has this gift of bi-pedal ambulation, he's been all about practicing.

That is, when he's not being pinned by his brother.


The Momma Chronicles said...

Walking? W-w-WALKING??!! WTH. Where does the time go? Big Henry is walking. Just.... wow.

Gargoyle said...

WOW. It's amazing. I just saw him, to long ago, and he was looking like it would be soon, but I never expected it was going to be THIS soon. And finaly sleeping though the night. That's great to hear.