Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm a Dork

It's been a busy summer around here.

We just got back from vacation- my second in a month- and I have a lot to write, but the evening is my time for writing. But I can't write anything while I'm watching the Olympics.

I first got into the Olympics in 1980. I was 15 years old and I made an Olympic scrapbook from newspaper clippings and my brother's copy of Sports Illustrated, my parents' copy of Time magazine and anything else I could get my hands on.

Ever since then I have been a total dork about the Olympics. I get teary every time our national anthem is played. Every story of courage and obstacle makes me feel pride even though the stories are not mine and I know none of the athletes. I don't know why I get so choked up about all of it, but I do.

I have new pictures I need to upload and stories to tell. I will be back. Just as soon as the Olympics are over.

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