I've always considered myself to have a black thumb- every time I tried to grow something it quickly failed and died, leaving me sad and guilty-feeling.
This year was different. I have my son's Tot Time teacher to thank for it really. For one of our crafts Miss Susan gave all of the toddlers a small flowerpot, some dirt and marigold seeds. Ted was never much interested in the crafts (New Thing! Must not enjoy New Thing! Not until it is My Idea!) but when we got home he took some real interest in it.
We planted the seeds in the pot he'd affixed his stickers to, watered them and put the pot on the kitchen windowsill. We watered the pot every day and checked it for sprouts. Just about the time I was figuring I must have killed the marigolds without them ever sprouting, little green blades appeared on the surface of the soil. We got excited (me more than Ted I think) and watched them grow. Soon they were about two inches tall. But like all of my prior experiences, the leaves started to look depressed and the plants developed a lean. I started to get sad- I'd been here before more than once and I knew what was coming.
Outside! Maybe I should move them outside and let Mother Nature take over. She's not nearly as homicidal as I when it comes to plants!
So the pot went outside on a wall and the leaves righted themselves and recovered. They were doing just fine until we had a bad storm. The storm knocked the pot off the ledge and the little seedlings lay ruined at the base of the wall, surrounded by dirt and pieces of broken pot.
For the first time ever it looked as if my plants were going to survive and we were done in by outside forces. I was dejected.
But not yet beaten.
Off to the local gardening center we went. "I'm a rookie," I explained to the man in the green apron, "but if this is going to be our project, I think we need a vegetable- something we can actually harvest. I have no idea what I'm doing or where to start, so load up my cart with everything I'll need."
Our tomato plant has been glorious. We'll get nearly 30 tomatoes from it all told. They're not all perfect, but they're pretty darned tasty; the petunias that surround them have bloomed heartily all summer long.

The marigolds that we salvaged from the wreckage are lush and blooming. The cucumber didn't fare as well, but we got 4 cucumbers from it and I think I know where I went wrong with that one. I have harvested each of the basil plants a couple of times and still have much more than I can use. The mint got transplanted next to the house. I went back and got vincas and impatiens and they have carpeted the area where I planted them. I went back again and got lantana and superbells and the butterflies come and visit them daily.
The house that we live in is not ideal for gardening- we have lots of shade, but I have places where I can put pots. I have plans for my garden next year already and I'm excited by the possibilities. I dreamed of radishes last night.
I tend to go all in with a new project and I'm trying to rein in my enthusiasm so that I don't go overboard- I am still a rookie really- just a rookie with a good first season. I don't need a huge grow light or a greenhouse kit or a new house.... yet.