Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Unfortunate Name

Winnie the Pooh has been around forever, but I am still sometimes taken aback when my kids say his name.

Every mom has probably snapped to attention when she's heard her kid squeal with delight, "Look mom! There's Pooh!" (The first thing you think as a mom is "Where's poo? Do I have wipes? Is this going to require doing a load of laundry?" Then you realize it's "Pooh," not "poo." Sigh of relief.)

Never is this so true for me as in the evenings. I'm tired and ready for the kids to go to bed so that I can unwind for a little while.

I get a little burst of adrenaline every evening when Ted shouts "Mom! There's Pooh on my toothbrush!"

I really ought to get him a new toothbrush.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

LOL... I can definitely feel you with this! I have 3 boys and they always keep you on your toes! Except when my kid said there was Poo on the wall... it wasn't the bear! :(