Grace was a knitter and seamstress extraordinaire. She could puzzle out a pattern in her head and solve other people's mistakes and mis-stitches. She could create patterns and tailor and calculate in her head. Her ability was both fascinating and impressive.
I have had the good fortune to inherit a mostly-finished blanket that was part of her legacy. It's about ten inches too short and it comes without any notes or patterns. This is it:

There are a total of seventeen patterned panels across the front and a border around it.
A couple of the patterns are easy to figure out:
This one is a simple X and O cable with a Diamond Bobble cable in the center

This one is a Trophy Cable on either side and a Seed Stitch Diamond in the center:

And the center section is a simple diamond trellis cable:

Then there are the Mystery Stitches:

Slip Stitch Diamonds?

I think that finishing this blanket without a pattern is the perfect way to remember Grace. I will have to use my head and I will have to be careful. I'm checking my gauge to make sure it will go seamlessly from her work to mine- I'll have to use a larger diameter needle- she always knit looser than I do. I've been thinking about how to recreate the mystery stitches and I've poured through my books. I think I have one of them solved- I found a pattern that looks like it's the right one and I have a swatch knitted up that I'll subject to a close comparison. The "Slip Stitch Diamond" I haven't found a pattern for yet, but I think I've worked it out in my head. I have a swatch of that started too- I don't have it perfect yet, but I think I'm on the right track.
Grace would have it figured out by now, most likely. She'd have loved the challenge.
I love it too.